Tuesday 24 May 2011

Why weight loss is very difficult?

No matter where you read, whom you ask, what you try, and no matter how outrageous this may sound, the simple fact remains. Weight loss is all about maintaining an effective workout/diet program. The highlighted words emphasize why most people struggle with weight loss. Everyone knows that weight loss requires proper workout and diet. But not everyone is able to maintain it effectively.
I am sure you’ve been there, we’ve all been there. At first, you wouldn't know what to do, and once you identify a program (and only if), you would still struggle to maintain it long enough to reach your weight target.
As such, let’s agree that the real challenge with weight loss is answering the following questions:

- What exactly is an effective weight loss program?
- How do I incorporate this program smoothly into my life?
- How do I fight the daily temptations of Laziness and Junk food?
- How do I maintain a social life while I am on a program?
- How do I prevent myself from quitting till I reach my target weight?

Weight Loss = right Knowledge + right Mindset
The general answer to these questions is in the above equation. If you want to lose weight, you need to have the right knowledge (to do all the right things properly), and the have the right mentality and mindset to keep doing them till you reach your target.
Knowledge is essential for weight loss. Let’s say you are in Kuala Lumpur and want to drive to Singapore. So, no matter how motivated or excited you are you are, unless you drive south, you’ll never reach Singapore. The same thing applies in weight loss, you can never lose weight unless you do the right things properly, no matter how motivated or excited you are.
Having the right mindset is equally important. Coming back to the Singapore trip example, and let’s say you’ve already began your trip south. Soon you’d realize it’s not as straight forward as you originally thought. You may have to navigate along a highway, use a map, stop for fuel, and pay some toll, etc.
All of which may sound like a lot, you could get tired, bored, and distracted. So unless you remain positive and maintain the effort. You will not reach Singapore, despite the fact that you have the right knowledge and have made some early progress.
This happens in weight loss. You begin your program, knowing what you need to do. Unfortunately, soon you realize it’s not a straightforward as you thought, you may have to learn a lot on workout techniques, healthy diet, you may need to make some changes in your life, etc.
All of which may sound like a lot, you could get tired, bored, and distracted. So unless you remain positive and maintain the effort. You will not lose weight, despite the fact that you have the right knowledge and have made some early progress.

The BEGINNING of your program is the most difficult part
The first 4-6 weeks of your program is the most difficult. That’s because during this period you might not see any visible results, despite making a lot of effort, both physically and mentally. So, it will be real battle just to survive. In fact, if you do not quit within the first 4 weeks of your program, you can consider yourself 50% successful.
There are many reasons why the beginning is very difficult, understanding these reasons will greatly help you overcome them and survive the beginning phase. So, let’s go through them.
Feeling lost
In the beginning, you wouldn’t know what to do, where to begin, and whether or not you are doing the right thing. You wouldn’t even know if you are doing it properly or not. If you were dieting, you wouldn’t know which plan to follow. To make matters worse, you would be getting conflicting suggestions from the people around you. So, in the middle of all that, you would feel lost and soon you’d quit.
Not able to handle Change
Weight loss requires you to make many changes in your life. You may have to change your diet, increase the level of physical activity, and you may need to adopt a new routine in your life, amongst other things. So, if you are not ready to handle this change, you will struggle and soon quit.
You don’t want to “suffer”
Weight loss requires you to exercise and go on a healthy diet. Both might put you through physical and mental “suffering”, especially if you do these things improperly or if don’t know what you are doing. Going through this suffering without seeing any results will make you fail and quit weight loss.
You might fall for Negativity
Negativity is all the excuses you might use to break the rules (skip a workout, cheat on your diet, etc). Things like “Ahhh, this is never gonna work, I donno what I am doing, I just want to enjoy my life”. If you are not able (or ready) to handle Negativity, it could really affect your mindset, and soon you’d quit.
It might take some TIME before you see results
All of the above situations might make u feel bad, so the thought of going through these situations for a long period of time is just demoralizing. You might ask yourself: “am I gonna suffer like this forever?”, and that thought alone might drive you to quit. Because naturally, nobody wants to suffer.
It’s no wonder that the majority of us quit weight loss within the first few days of trying.

So, what’s the solution?
The solution is simple .... Preparation.
Unless you are mentally prepared for the beginning phase of your workout, you will fail. In other words, you need to be prepared for the beginning before you actually begin. You need to learn how to handle all of the above situations and prevent them from making you quit. That’s exactly what u will learn to do in the coming few weeks.
However, that's not all what u'll be doing .... while u r learning to prepare ur "Mindset" ... u also need to prepare physically ... so while u are enjoying the next few "reading assignments" ... u need to condition ur body for exercise .. that's what we will discuss next

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