Tuesday 24 May 2011

Operation Re-Burn: the Deal

OK ...

before we actually begin anything ... there are few things we will have to agree on, as follows:

- I will be giving u some tasks ... these would be reading materials and/or activities to do, some will have a time limit to complete ... for best results, i strongly suggest u follow my time line ... quite simply, i will not stop, wait, delay my progress for any reason ... we all have busy lives, if u think yours is busy, try to live mine.

therefore it's ur responsibility to complete ur tasks on time. in case u fall behind, then u must make up the time and catch up, i will not entertain any "slow down" requests.

- Some of the tasks are in sequence, meaning u cannot start task B, unless u complete tast A ... but there are some tasks there parallel, meaning u can complete task C and D at the same time ... i will let u know

- This is not area for a debate or arguments ... I am not a fitness expert .... I am only sharing my activities based on my experience, if u feel some of what i do is wrong ... please feel free to stop, I have very little time to argue, convince, and make a point.

- However, if something is not clear, please feel free to ask, if i have the time, i will gladly explain :))

- You have the responsibility to monitor ur own health and fitness, u may need to consult with a doctor about ur health before u start ... i shall not bare any responsibility for any health u issues u might face. This does not mean that there will be problems. it's just that some people already have some health conditions and diet/workout might exasperated these issues.

that being said, the activities i will share with are designed to fit any age/gender/condition, so if u dont have underlying conditions, u should do just fine.

So, now that we got that out of the way ... let's get started !!

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