Monday 30 May 2011

How to deal with the issue of time (How Long will it take?)

I am going to make this simple. If you are looking for a magic wand that will remove all your fat in 3 weeks, then I am afraid you will be disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, quick weight loss is possible, but not for everyone. You need to be at the peak of your physical and mental strength, not to mention that you need to be VERY strict about your diet. 

But when it comes to “how long?”, the answer to this question comes down to following ...

How much weight you need to lose?
This is simple, the more weight you need to lose, the longer it will take you to lose it. It is a simple matter of math. One of the things we will do together is figuring out exactly how much weight you need to lose. This brings us the next question … 

How many kilos you plan to lose per week?
If you need to lose 12 kilos (to reach your target weight) and plan to drop 3 kilos per week, then you should reach your goal in (12/3 = 4 weeks), or 1 month. But if you plan to lose just 1 kilo per week, then you should reach your goal in (12/1 = 12 weeks), or three months. However, these estimations (1 or 3 months) depend on a very important fact about weight loss … 

How many kilos you ACTUALLY lose per week?
Every time you skip a workout, cheat on your diet, or fall for Negativity, you simply delay yourself from reaching your goals. So, if you want to lose weight as fast as you can, DO NOT BREAK THE RULES. 

This is what I used to tell myself when I was about to break a rule. “Skip that workout, and you delay yourself by a week, eat that cheese cake, and delay yourself by a month”. Then I would ask myself, “is it worth it?, is this worth a week, or a month of delay?” 

OK, how fast (or slow) can I go?
To lose 3 kilos per week, you need to go through hell. You have to work out for hours EVERY DAY and go on an extreme diet, with no slipups or cheats. Furthermore, you need to have plenty of time, and spend a lot of money on equipment and supervision. 

Furthermore, everything thing we talked about before, issues with Negativity, Change, etc. will be amplified due to the increase in pain and suffering. So, your mental strength must be extremely top notch to keep up. 

Finally, you have to be physically fit to do all the above. You need to be cleared by a doctor before you even begin your program, AND you need to be monitored and supervised by trained professionals. Rapid weight loss could be extremely hazardous, and that is why you need supervision. Those people on reality TV shows are constantly supervised, even off camera.

Many times, I tried and failed the fast (and painful) approach. I spent a lot of money, I wasted a lot of time, and in the end, I could not keep up with change. It was always a matter of time before I gave in to Negativity and quit. That’s when I realized this next fact about weight loss … 

When it comes to weight loss,
Slow and Comfortable is the only way to lose weight

I want you to ignore the word Slow and focus on the word Comfortable. That’s exactly what I found out. I planned to drop just 1 kilo per week, and soon I realized I didn’t have to suffer at all, I didn’t have to work out as much, and my diet plan was flexible that it allowed few cheats here and there. 

So let’s talk about the Slow part. On average, As u already know ... I managed to drop 25 kgs in one year, that's an average of just 2kgs per month.

Let’s think about it for a minute, 12 months might sound like a long time, but let’s compare it with all these YEARS you’ve been suffering with your weight, so is 1 year a long time now? 
Secondly - and most importantly - in these months U never suffer. U dont have to workout as much, and u dont have to go on extreme diet. All u have to do is perform the FLM actions, and …. 

Live your life as usual. DO NOT count time.

A lot of people think of weight loss as something temporary. A program they have to go through for a (short) period of time, and once they reach their goal, they can return to their original life. 

That is why 10 months will sound like a very long time. They will feel they would have to suspend their lives for 10 months before returning to “living” again. This is a HUGE mistake. 

with me you will not go on a temporary program. Instead, you will make a permanent transformation of your life, you will add/remove/modify certain habits, but continue living your life as usual. If you were working, you would continue to work, if you were at college, you would continue to study, and so on. Somewhere along the way, you would start to lose weight. 

Believe me when I say this, in time, these changes would BECOME your life, and you wouldn’t want to return to your old ways anymore. Right now, I do things I never thought I could do, and not only do I do these things willingly, but I actually enjoy doing them.

But, there is a catch!
Yes there is, the main problem with the Slow and Comfortable option is the fact that it is … well … Slow

u may not suffer physically, but ull need to maintain ur "mental Fitness" over a long time, something may not be as easy as u think, this brings me to the next point …

How to remain focused over a long period of time?
If I ask you to go on a program for 12 months, you will reluctant, but if I ask you to go on a program for only 1 month, it should be easier, right?   

In fact, that IS the solution. All you need to do is to divide your long term goals into shorter and manageable targets, which would be much easier for you achieve.  

I planned to lose only 3-4 kilos per month, or an estimated 1 kilo per week, based on steps which we will do together, I identified workout load and diet needed to achieve this target. This helped me to develop a daily action plan, with a list of things that I must do every day of the week. 

Then, I made it an absolute target that no matter what, I wouldn’t break this plan. Because I knew if I did break any of the rules on any day, I would miss my weekly plan. If that would happen, I won’t be able to lose 1 kilo per week, which means I would delay myself from reaching my overall goal.  

So, rather than worrying so much about 1 year, I focused my efforts on that day, on that week, and on that month alone. I would use any tool available to keep track of my actions and maintaining them. The “Action Table” I discussed earlier is a great example. 

Before I knew it, I found myself achieving my weekly and monthly goals, and with time, these actions became easier to do, they became second nature to me. At the same time, results kept on coming. All the while I was living my life as usual, going to work, dealing with friends and family, and losing weight. 

So .... let's summarize 
How long will it take? .... it depends on you .... if u r disciplined, if u follow the rules, if u adopt well to change, if Do NOT fall for negativity .... then u will finish Fast. 

How Fast is fast? .... it depends on how much fat u need to drop, and ur abilities ... but I would recommend somewhere between 2-4 kgs a month ... trying to lose more would put u into a lot of pain and suffering, and you wouldnt make it

DO not count time, just divide ur plan into monthly/weekly/daily plans and work ur best on achieveing them ... and live ur life as usall ... before u know it, u would achieve ur target 

OK, how do I make such plans ? 
 We will discuss that in later posts .... wait for it :)

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