Sunday 12 June 2011



At the end of this phase, should complete the following: 
  • Eliminate Sugar from ur Diet, or at least replace it with healthy alternatives 
  • Quit Junk food Altogether 
  • Make exercise a natural Habit
  • Switch to the Right food, get used to its taste
1 - Eliminate (or Greatly Reduce) Sugar from Your Diet

If the starvation mode is your number one enemy, SUGAR is number two. Everyone recognizes the need to reduce fat intake, but very few people understand the destructive nature of sugar (on weight loss). Therefore, when it comes to dieting, the very first thing you need to do is reduce/eliminate sugar.
Sugar has two disastrous consequences on weight loss. When you consume sugar, you give your body two signals, the first is to stop burning any stored energy (fat stored in the body), and to store any incoming food as fat, in other words …

Consuming sugar terminates the FLM altogether.

It does not matter where it comes from, be it table sugar, or in cookies, chocolates, ice cream, butter cakes, candy, fruit juice, fruit yogurt drinks, carbonated drinks, sweeteners and creams, etc. the effect is the same, therefore, you cannot consume any of these things either.

But wait, It’s not just sugar ! 

There are other foods that behave just like (or close) to sugar. Meaning they have the same destructive effect on weight loss. These include white rice, white bread, potatoes, corn, ripe bananas, etc. Therefore, you need to avoid them too.

But without sugar (and the others) , food will not taste good

Well, there are other food ingredients out there that are healthy and taste great. You need to learn new recopies and learn where to find these new ingredients, and yes, that's what ull be doing in the next two weeks. Also, we already agreed that you can teach yourself to enjoy food with slightly different ingredients

Furthermore, you don’t have to stop sugar all of a sudden, you can do it gradually (that’s how I did it). You can start by reducing sugar to a certain level, and after you got used to that taste, reduce it again, and keep doing so till you completely eliminate it from your diet.  

Alternatively, you can use alternative sweeteners. You could switch to brown sugar or honey. These two have the same sweetening effect as sugar, but their effect on weight loss is considerably less. Similarly, you could (and should) switch to brown rice, brown bread, whole grain pasta, and so on.

Artificial sweeteners are chemicals that give the same sweetening effect minus the bad effects. But, and speaking from my personal experience, I strongly do not recommend them. After all, they are chemicals, and therefore, they have side effects.

That’s what happened to me, at one time I was admitted to the hospital with chest pain, which only subsided after I stopped consuming these chemicals.

Most diet cola drinks use artificial sweeteners. This is how they get their zero calorie drinks to taste so great. So, DO NOT drink these “healthy” drinks either. You are better off drinking plain water.

2 - Quit Junk food

Sadly speaking, Junk food is everything that tastes great but is disastrous to your health and weight. These include - amongst other things - chocolates, candy, ice cream, fast food, TV dinners, chips and dips, carbonated drinks, sugary drinks, and the list goes on and on.

Now I understand, quitting junk food is not easy. I am not saying you need to quit all tomorrow (it will be great if you can), but you can take it gradually. You see, Junk food is an addiction (scientifically proven), and just like any addiction, you need to detox out of it, here is how.
The first step to quitting junk food is to be mentally ready, you need to be ready for change, and ready to handle the Negativities involved. Also, you need to get family support. Just about everything we discussed in “Before you begin” is required here. But when you are ready, you could try to …

Reduce its frequency

If you are used to eating a burger and fries twice a week, try to make that once a week, then once every two weeks, then once a month, and so on. The less frequent you visit a fast food joint, the better.

Change ingredients 

Ask for your burger to be with no Mayonnaise, do not eat (or greatly reduce) the fries you eat with the burger, swap that soft drink for mineral water, do not eat ice cream or apple pie, these simple things really do great when it comes to your diet.

Change restaurants 

Instead of a fast food joint, select a better restaurant where they actually make an effort to cook a healthy meal. Instead of fried meals, eat stewed or roasted, and so on.

However, if you really want to quit Junk food, you must continually increase your efforts. This means, as time goes on, you should continue to reduce its frequency and eliminate bad ingredients, till you can quit it altogether.

So, the bottom line is clear. If you are not ready to reduce (and eventually quit) sugar and Junk food, then you might as well stop reading, because it will be a waste of your time. So I am going to make it absolutely clear …

Quit (or greatly reduce) sugar and junk food, or forget about Weight Loss.
3 - Make exercise a Natural Habit

Many people fail to realize that physical fitness is not the only problem when it comes to exercise. In reality, you are not mentally ready for workout, or the habit of exercise is not yet a part of your life. As such, no matter what exercise you try, you would always fail.

When exercise has become a natural habit to u, it would become an integral part of your day, you wouldn’t need any reminders for it. In fact, you would organize your schedule around it, and if for some reason you skipped workout, you’d feel something wrong with your day. 

How hard could it be? I could start exercise right now

Yes, you could, but it will be only a matter of time before you get distracted with your daily routine. Perhaps you’d “feel” busy with your work, friends & family, etc. Soon enough, you’d find it difficult to continue your “easy” workout.

I know many people who purchase expensive gym memberships and go to the gym two or three times then quit, why?, because they were "distracted" with their life and routine.

Furthermore, trying to do this while at the same time trying to learn advance workout techniques could be a real distraction. Not only would you be distracted from your busy life, you’d be overwhelmed with issues such as proper heart rate levels, bicycle settings, Circuit designs, equipment, etc.

Therefore, you will need to Divide and Conquer. At first, you will begin with a very simple workout and focus on developing the habit of exercise and instill it in you. Once that is done, then you would gradually upgrade to advanced and more demanding workouts .... here is what u need to do .... 

The first step: Workout Hour

When someone mentions breakfast, you’d know it happens in the morning. That’s because we were all trained to associate morning with breakfast. The same thing happens for lunch, dinner, TV prime time, etc. Your first task (when it comes to workout) is to develop the same effect when someone mentions the word “workout”.

Achieving this is actually simple, first you need to identify the most suitable time for workout, from the point of view of your convenience and comfort. You may have to experiment here till you find the best time suitable for you, it could be in the morning, evening, in the middle of the day, etc.

Once you settle on a time, then all you have to do is to perform your workout on that specific time. Then, keep doing so for few weeks and soon the habit will stick. Though this may sound simple, believe me ... it's not. the distraction would be everywhere, and it's up to u to fight off these distractions and make an effort, but once u do, then it will stick.

So, let’s return to your daily schedule and identify 60 minutes of ur day for free time. It should fit conveniently into your day. This means the time you choose should allow you to do your workout with minimum changes to your daily routine. Here is my daily schedule after I updated it with my workout hour.
06:00 – 07:30      Wake up, morning chores (shower, shave, Make breakfast, take out the trash)

07:30 – 08:30      Drive to work (Park at a distance and walk more, take the stairs)

08:30 – 05:00      Work (take a 5 minute  walk every hour, or do 5/10 pushups)

05:00 – 06:00      Drive home

06:00 – 07:00      Workout hour

07:00 – 08:00      Evening chores (shower, Make dinner, Do the laundry, Wash the dishes, etc)

08:00 – 11:00      Family time (Watching TV, etc), followed by sleep

There is an important point here. Dedicating a full hour does not mean you will work out for a complete hour on your first day, not at all. The purpose of workout hour is to put a mental note that this hour is reserved for exercise. It’s up to you whether you want to use it all or not. 

When is the best time for workout?

There is a debate on this issue, some argue it’s best to exercise in the mornings, others argue at night. Each argument has its merits, however, everyone agrees on one thing; working out any time is better than not working out at all. So, it does not matter when you work out, as long as it’s convenient for u and it fits ur day 

Your first workout: Walking

Begin your walking with a 10 minutes stroll, followed by a 5 minutes rest (sit down), repeat this 4 to 5 times per session. You should begin with 3 sessions per week. Also, you should ramp up the effort, increasing your walking duration from 10 to 15, then to 20, and so on, until you are able to walk for 40 – 60 minutes with no rest. You can walk faster if you are comfortable.

In the beginning, I suggest you walk in the park, or around your neighborhood/home, later we will discuss locations. So for now, DON’T invest in any equipment and/or gym memberships. We will discuss this in detail later.

You might feel a bit bored with walking, there are many ways you could deal with that, the easiest to put on some music. But, honestly, this should not be a major problem as you are not doing a heavy duty activity, you are JUST walking. So, enjoy it and enjoy the fresh air. 

Why only Walking?

Remember, at first you want to instill the habit of exercise and associate a certain time with it. These two things require some mental effort, in the first two weeks, you’ll need a reminder, you need to get used to your clothing (and footwear). You also need to be familiar with your workout area. If you are driving to the gym, you need to get used to that trip, identify the parking arrangement, etc.

All of that requires some getting used to. Trying to do all the above while at the same time dealing with advanced workout issues, things related to advanced workouts, will be a real distraction and you might get overwhelmed.

So take it one step at a time, and for now, focus on instilling the habit of exercise. Also, use this to continue to condition your body and prepare it for later efforts.

3 - Switch to the Right food, get used to its taste 

Food is made of three nutrients; Proteins, Carbohydrates, and fats. We will discuss the good and bad of each nutrient. Food also contains Vitamins and minerals, though they are needed for general health, they do not have any caloric values, so we will not include them in this discussion. 

1.       The Good, the Better, and Best of Proteins
Every cell in the body is built from proteins, naturally, we need to consume proteins to help our body build its muscles, tandems, internal organs, etc. Protein sources are not the same. Soy milk is far more superior source of protein than fish.

That’s because when you consume Soy, only 4% of its protein is lost (through human waste), but when you consume fish, a whopping 44% is lost. The list below shows a listing of protein sources based on the PDCAAS classification. A score of 1.0 represents the best sources of protein, and so on. 

   Whey                                1.0
2.       Egg whites                        1.0
3.       Casein                              1.0
4.       Milk                                  1.0
5.       Soy Protein Isolate             1.0
6.       Beef                                  0.92
7.       Soybean                            0.91
8.       Kidney Beans                    0.68
9.       Whole wheat                     0.54       
10.    Peanuts                            0.52

So when it comes to Proteins, there is no good and bad. Instead, there is good, better, and best. Obviously, we all want the best for our bodies. As such, you should always try to consume protein from the best sources.

For a complete discussion on this topic, just google (PDCAAS classification.) and u will find plenty of info, complete listings of protein sources and their biological values, and other information. 

2.       The Bad, the Good, and the Really Good Carbs (Carbohydrates)

Carbs are sugars used a source of rapid energy, that’s because they can be burnt quickly and without the need for oxygen. Carbs are found in breads, beans, dairy, potatoes, cookies, spaghetti, etc.

When you consume carbs, the body breaks them down into a simple type of sugar, called Glucose. Then, glucose is flooded into the blood stream and passed to every cell in the human body to be burnt for energy. Think about it this way, if carbohydrates were crude oil, glucose is gasoline.

When there is enough glucose in the blood stream, i.e. enough gasoline, the body stops processing any incoming food and instead stores it as fat. In effect, shutting down your metabolism, and when glucose reserves are depleted (used up by the body cells), then metabolism is resumed. 

The Glycemic Index (the GI index)

The GI index is used to classify food sources of carbs, based on how the body processes them. There are other classifications for carbs, such as the Insulin Index, etc., but the GI index is a good start. Food could be classified as High, medium, or low GI index foods,

The classification is determined based on how fast (or slow) a certain food is processed. High GI index foods are processed rapidly, while low GI index foods are processed slowly. 

The Bad Carbs
Foods with high GI index would be processed very rapidly, glucose will fill the blood stream quite rapidly and metabolism will shut down really quickly. Therefore, any excess food will be stored as fat. This means that you’d be eating (and storing) more food, which is bad for weight loss.

This also explains why sugar is bad for weight loss. Because, after all, glucose is in fact SUGAR, so when you consume sugar, it is instantly sent to the blood stream, and metabolism is (almost) not activated. So, any food you eat at that instant is stored and not burnt.

In fact, when the GI index was created, every food item was measured against sugar, that’s because sugar has a GI index of 100, the maximum value of the index.

The same applies for the “relatives”; white rice, potatoes, corn, ripe bananas, etc. These foods have high GI index values, therefore, they too have the same effect of sugar, but to a lesser degree.

In the long run, high GI index foods are bad to your general health, because they could lead to type II diabetes. So, avoiding them is not only good for weight loss, but for general health as well.

The Good Carbs 

Low GI index foods require longer time to process, therefore longer time before glucose fills the blood stream, which in turn means metabolism will last longer. All this means it will take you longer to feel hungry, and that metabolism will last longer. All of this is great for weight loss.

So, you need to switch to low GI index diet for best results. Fortunately, this is very easy to do, there is plenty of information on the web on low GI index diet. just google (GI index) and, again, u will find complete listings, recipes, etc. 

The Really Good Carbs, Fiber. 

Fiber is a type of carbs that cannot be broken down into sugar, therefore it passes through the body undigested, yet fiber plays a vital role in helping you burn fat.

Some types of fiber (Soluble fiber) binds, or sticks, to fatty substances in the intestines and carries them out as a waste, thus lowering fat and bad cholesterol (more on that later). Also, fibers regulate the body's use of sugars, therefore helping in keeping hunger and blood sugar in check.

3.       The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Fats

Fats are a great source for energy and a great place to store it. Furthermore, the body uses Cholesterol to make estrogen, testosterone, vitamin D, and other vital hormones.

Fats and Cholesterol can't dissolve in blood. Instead, they are wrapped in tiny containers, called Lipoproteins (or simply Ls, pronounced “ells”). Think of Ls them as plastic bags used to store fats. There are two types of Ls, Low-Density Ls (LDLs), and High-Density Ls (HDLs). 

LDLs carry Cholesterol and form deposits on the walls of the arteries, narrowing them and so increasing the risk of a heart attack or a stroke. Because of this, LDLs are referred to as Bad Cholesterol. 

HDLs scavenge Cholesterol from the bloodstream, from LDLs, and from artery walls and ferry them out. Think of HDLs as the garbage trucks. Because of this, HDLs are referred to as Good Cholesterol. 

The Good fats:  Un-Saturated Fats

Un-saturated fats are mono-saturated and poly-saturated fats. These are considered good fats because they can improve blood cholesterol levels, ease inflammation, stabilize heart rhythms, and play a number of other beneficial roles.

Unsaturated fats are found in plants, such as vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds. As a rule of thumb, fats are good if they are in liquid state at room temperature. For example, Olive oil is good oil, butter is not.

Sources of Un-saturated fats also include canola, peanuts, olive oils, avocados, all nuts, such as almonds, hazelnuts, and pecans, and all seeds such as pumpkin and sesame seeds. Furthermore, these good fats can be found in sunflower, corn, soybean, and flaxseed oils, and fish. 

Omega-3 and Omega-6 Oils are very important types of polyunsaturated fats. That’s because the body can't make them, so they must come from food. An excellent way to get omega-3 fats is by eating fish two or three times a week. Good plant sources of omega-3 fats include china seeds (sold as Salvia), flax seeds, walnuts, flaxseed, canola, and soybean. 

The Bad: Saturated Fats 
 Saturated fats are bad because they increase the levels of LDLs (bad cholesterol). Saturated fats come from red meat, and whole-dairy products (cheese, milk, and ice cream), coconut and palm oil.

As a general rule, keep your intake of saturated fats as low as possible. Saturated fats are part of many foods, so you can't really eliminate these 100% from our diet. We can only minimize them. A good rule is to maintain a minimum of 7-10% of calories to be from these fats.

The Ugly: Trans Fats

Trans-fats are the worse kind of fat because they increase the levels of bad cholesterol AND reduce the levels of good cholesterol. In other words, they increase artery inflammation, which is a direct cause for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other chronic conditions.

Most of the trans-fats come from commercially prepared baked goods, margarines, snack foods, anything crispy and delicious is made by soaking it with trans-fats (and then deep frying them in saturated fats). These include French fries, fried chicken, and all commercially frozen food. 

Eliminating Cholesterol from your diet is not enough 

For the last 50 years or so, we’ve been educated to avoid cholesterol. Food manufacturers followed suit and have reduced/eliminated it from their food. Yet, studies show that in the same period, cholesterol levels in humans have increased greatly, so what happened?

Well, it’s simple. Everyone focused on removing cholesterol from food and forgot about Saturated and Trans-fats, which as we saw above directly increase the levels of bad cholesterol. For example, Palm oil is zero cholesterol, however it high is saturated fats, therefore it is still bad. 

OK, let’s put it all together

First off, let’s summarize. When it comes to good food, i.e. food that will help you lose weight, you should consume foods that are of the folloing categories:

Form excellent protein sources, such as: 
  • Whey, egg whites, soy, and white meats (sea food and poultry) 
  •  Low (or non) fat dairy products, include low fat milk, cheese, ice cream, etc.-             
  • Beans, seeds, and nuts

    From Low GI index foods, which include:

  • Whole grain foods, these include brown rice, brown bread, whole grain pasta, etc.
  • Low GI index fruits, such as prunes, berries, apples, pears, etc.
  • Beans, seeds, and nuts
From Un-Saturated fats, these include:
  • Flaxed seeds, olive oils, Sunflower oils, fish oils, Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils.
  • Beans, Seeds, and nuts
SO ..... It's Time To Go to WORK.

OK, by now you have a complete picture of you need to do, here is a refresher.
  • Eliminate Sugar from ur Diet, or at least replace it with healthy alternatives 
  • Quit Junk food Altogether 
  • Make exercise a natural Habit
  • Switch to the Right food, get used to its taste
Just remember, that awkward feeling of discomfort, which you are feeling right now is perfectly normal and is temporary. Remember our discussion in “Before you begin”?. You just need to make an initial effort, and the more familiar you get, the more comfortable you will get.

So .... all the best, and i will keep in touch !!

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