Sunday 5 June 2011

Operation Re-Burn: The Plan of Attack !!!

The plan of attack is summarized in the table below. As you can see, you will need to take 5 steps in order to transform your body from where ever it is now to the FLM mode (What is the FLM mode?). 

Now, i put 2 weeks for each step .... this is the time which i will personally take. I dont recommend u go any faster for many reasons.  But most importantly because your Mind needs to be trained. getting used to "change" require a lot of time. 

                                                        (Click on the Image to view full size)

As you can see from the table, every step is divided into three components, workout, diet, and knowledge. You will be working on these components concurrently (at the same time).


The target of this component is to transform you from where ever you are now to the physical condition required for weight loss, that would be a combination of  Cardio and CT training. We will discuss these later.


In this component, the target is to achieve the three food rights. The right food, the right amount and the right eating habits. Once again, you will be working on these targets gradually.


In order to achieve the workout and diet transformations, you will need to learn few important things along the way. This is where you will gain this knowledge. 

here is a summary of each step and what u need to complete at the end of that step ... 

Step 1
In this step, u will continue to condition ur body and prepare it for workout, i say continue because u are already getting more active now, (remember Step 0: Get Active ?) ... only this time, u will get more disciplined. Second, u will begin ur first step in dieting, quitting all the wrong foods, in this step u will learn how to do that smoothly. Finally, u will learn all u need to learn about food. 

Step 2
In this step, U will condition ur mind for workout, a lot of ppl dont realize that workout is not just a physical activity, it's a habit that u need to adopt and incorporate into ur life, in this step u will learn how. Second, u will learn how to scan ur enviroment around u and identify sources of good (and tasty foods). Finally u will learn about calories, and about "proper form" which is the proper way of performing exercises to avoid injury. 

Step 3
In this step, u will be introduced to Circuit Training (CT), u will learn what it is, how it works, and how to incorporate it smoothly to ur day. Second, u will learn to develop ur "calorie-sense" or the ability to identify the caloric content of any food on the fly. Finally, u will learn to identify the best Cardio workout for u (most suitable for ur physical needs and environment)

Step 4
In this step, u will be combine CT with ur favorite Cardio (as selected from step 4) and develop ur weekly workout routine. Based on which, you would be able to identify your caloric needs and targets, which will then allow u to create ur Diet Plan. This in turn allows u to create ur own Daily/Weekly/Monthly weight loss Plans ..... Custom made for u, created by u, and suitable for ur needs/environment

At this point, you have reached the Fat Loss Mode !!!

Step 5 (Last)
In this step, you will learn how to Maintain the FML, how to monitor progress, and how to stop urself from quitting. how to avoid typical mistakes people make. This last step actually is an open ended step. it will last untill u reach ur weight target. 

From Now till June 13th
what u do u do from now till then, well ... everything i already told u to do ... u need to get (and continue to be) active, u need to go and read all the posts i already created and make sure u are on the same page with me .... get family support, prepare ur "why am I doing this?" list, etc. 

So ... hope u r ready comes next Monday, i know i will .... will u ???

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