Tuesday 31 May 2011

Initialization: Things u need to do NOW !!

There are few things you need to do before At the beginning of your program, there are few things you need to do. These are designed to prepare you and the people around you for the few months ahead. They are also designed to reduce Negativity, and to help you to cope with Change.

The “ Why am I doing this? “ List

On a sheet of paper or on the first page of your Journal, write down the reasons why you want to lose weight. I know, this sounds childish and dramatic, but it’s very, very useful. Whatever you put in the list MUST be from the bottom of your heart. 

These reasons must be personal and private, you should put all your motivation, pain and suffering, into this list. In time, this list will be an excellent motivation tool. Right now, you are motivated, but few days/weeks down the road, your motivation will drop. 

That’s when you will be struggling with your workout, when you see that cheese burger, or that ice cream, or when you trying to find an excuse to skip that workout. This list, and the reasons in it, will be the kick in the butt that you would need to get back on track. 

In my experience, this list is an excellent motivation tool. But the key here is the reasons you put in the list. To make this list really effective, the reasons you put there must be heartfelt, honest, and from the bottom of your suffering and desperation. Only then this will work.

Obtain family support

Very nicely and politely, inform the people around you that you are about to start a weight loss program, and that you need their support and help. 

Trying to lose weight on your own is something near impossible, soon you will find yourself isolated, a bit embarrassed, and having to say “No thanks, I am on a diet” over and over again. As we discussed before, involving your loved ones will reduce/eliminate Negativity. 

Ideally speaking, when you gain family support, they would help you in your efforts. You family would be careful not to eat junk in your presence, they would put you in mind when ordering in, and most of all, they would not tease you on your efforts (say negative things). 

However, this is the ideal situation, you’d be very lucky if you get such support. In reality however, your family might simply ignore you and continue to live their lives as usual. Eating whatever they like, whenever they like, and you would be lucky if they just leave you alone. That’s because …
Family support is earned, not requested. 

It is you who need to lose weight, not the rest of the family. You need to understand that family support does not mean they too have to diet and workout like you. Of course if they do then it’s great, but if that does not happen, then just move on. Do not whine so much about it. 

The point I am trying to make here is, you should request for the ideal family support, but if you don’t get it, if all you get is ignorance, then just accept it and move on. In time, when your family will see that you are serious about it, then they would help. But it’s up to you to make it happen. 

If you are DISCIPLINED, people will respect you and then support you. But if you are not, then they will ignore you. If you tell people you are on a diet, then the next day you eat cheese burger and fries, why would they support you?, so it all starts with you. You be disciplined, and the support will come. 

On the other hand, you have to draw the line
This is also another important point. It’s possible that after you’ve told your mother about your efforts, she continues to cook that delicious (but bad) meal for you. You would find yourself at a cross roads, hurt your mother, or break your diet.

Here is what you need to do. For one time only, allow it to happen and eat the meal (and enjoy it). But then make a point, tell your mother that this would be the last time, and that you will not eat any bad food again. Hopefully she’ll get the point. But if not, then draw the line, and say NO. 

I used mother as an example, but this could happen from any close relation, spouse, girl/boy friend, etc. the situation - and what you need to do - is the same. I know this might not be easy, but you have to do it, because remember, your body does not care about feelings, it only counts the calories. 

But rather than just saying NO, you can tell your mother (or whomever) of what can you eat. This way, your family would be involved – actively – in your efforts. Most of the time, family and close friends want to help, but they don’t know how. It’s then your job to tell them what to do.

At a later point, you will learn what food you should eat, what cooking methods you should use, and what eating habits you must apply. Inform your family about all of this, believe me, they would love to support you, especially when they see results. They might even join you and the whole thing becomes a family activity, which is perfect. 

So .... Get to work, Prepare ur list, Obtain family Support .... we are bout to begin soon  .... I did it, why cant u ??

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